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Community Techno Tour SL 2022

Writer: Recki LavilleRecki Laville

Celebrating Techno across our community in the week leading up to World Techno Day

Electro Space, Wish, BallerHalle, Cemento, Club Omega, Garmes District, S.mind, Cube24, Dark Pearl

  • Saturday 3rd December to Friday 9th December

  • 7 days, 9 venues, 12 Techno events

Tour Coordinator - Recki Laville

Tour Photographer - Mister Memories, Martin Diesel

For the second year, we toured community venues and their Techno events in the week leading up to World Techno Day.

A week long touring event created by 9 different club venues bringing the community together to enjoy Techno with friends.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who took part in Techno Tour 2022 across our community; to the venue owner-managers for organising and creating the events, to all the DJs who shared their music and the Hosts for keeping it fun. We Techno'd for sure!

It's not always easy to coordinate a collaborative event across so many different venues but it was such a joy to do again this year. Thank you to all the owner-managers that made this possible with minimum effort.

I managed to tour every event, even when Electro Space was open (although I had to ask my twin 'angelic' sister to step in for some ;) ) I hope you also managed to get some time to visit the other events too.

The purpose remains the same; to coordinate a collaborative, united event for our community, to show what we can achieve when we work together and support eachother. We all provide a space for DJs to be creative, show their music and style and for party goers to have a good time. By advertising the tour through Electro Space groups and beyond, maybe we even introduced new visitors to our spaces.

There is no monopoly, ownership or competition here. It's not about traffic and who looks the best. We all enjoy the same spaces, the same DJs, music, the same friends and fun. We are one community and I am always proud to be part of that.

That being said, not everyone took part. Not everyone thought that being part of this made sense for their space and that is a choice I respect too. My choice is to be part of a thriving community with like minded people and despite the challenges, I will always try to encourage togetherness.

Now to my Martini, Martin, Mister Memories himself, my side kick and party partner, thank you so much for touring around and capturing our moments so wonderfully ... our asses ... my blond hair moment ... for helping us have fun. I never feel thanks is enough for the amount of time and effort you dedicate to this, for others, for all of us. I appreciate you, every day <3

And that's a wrap! Thank you Tourers for another great week together and thank you everyone for the time you put in to make our parties happen, not just this week but every week, with a smile and grace. It makes a difference to me and to many I'm sure <3

The Techno Tour Map 2022

Just for fun and following the same Metro format as 2021, this year we had 12 Techno stops or events to visit.

The Events

My next community collaboration effort in the calendar is Relay for Life with the new 2023 open season beginning in mid February. As we did last year, I will be coming out to venue owner-managers soon to see if you would like to be part of the Team ES fundraising effort, including DJ Relay weekend. This year, we raised over 2000 USD to help the fight against cancer just doing what we do as a community. Can we raise more in 2023?

Until then, watch this Space 🔷


The Vibe Screenshots (updated as we tour the week)



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